Poster Session

Author(s)Poster title
Ekaterina Fedotova A cavity-microscope for micrometer-scale control of atom-photon interactions
Marco Schmauser A cryogenic ion trapping setup for surface traps with integrated waveguides
Marvin Scholz A Single Atom Quantum Network Node Coupled to Crossed Fiber Cavities
Lucien Quebaud A Superconducting Platform for Quantum
Rick Simon Adaptive Bayesian Estimation of Qudit Observables
Jinyan Chen An even-parity precession protocol for detecting nonclassicality and entanglement
Pietro Brighi Anomalous transport in the quantum East-West kinetically constrained model
Jesus J. del Pozo Mellado Automatic Optimization of Atom Transport Success  
Florian Kluibenschedl Cavity polaritonic control of molecular rotations
Christoph Hotter Cavity Sub- to Superradiance Transition with Application to Ramsey Spectroscopy
Cung-Ming Hung Characterization and control of magnetic fields for dipolar quantum gas experiments
Vasilisa Usova, Ian Yang, Phila Rembold, Marco Rossignolo, Simone Montangero, Samuele Tosatto, Gerhard Kirchmair Closed-loop optimisation of quantum states in a high Q bosonic mode
Gabriele Calliari Continuum quantum field theories with large-spin lattice models
Julian Daser, Teresa Hönigl-Decrinis Control of Collective Dark States in Waveguide QED
Judi Parvizinejad Cryogenic Microwave Near-Field Control of 9Be+ Ion Qubits
Moming Jia Deployable Quantum Network Node Based on Trapped 40Ca+ Ions Coupled to an Optical Cavity
Palina Shaban, Gulnaz Rakhmanova Diffusion of skyrmions in two-dimensional magnets in presence of chiral molecules
Matej Veis Dipolar gas in an external potential and its dynamics with eGPE
Laurits Stokholm EIT in a coherent medium: investigating density effects on the EIT bandwidth
Darius Haitsch Enhanced Entanglement Generation Between Atom-Cavity Nodes in a Quantum Network
Raphael Kaubruegger Entangled differential phase sensing, insensitive to laser noise
Ruben Daraban Entanglement Optimized Unravelings of Noisy Quantum Circuits
Peter Domokos Ground state bistability of cold atoms in an optical cavity
Charles Fromonteil Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations for Rydberg-blockade processes
Laura Pecorari, Guido Pupillo High-rate quantum LDPC codes for long-range-connected neutral atom registers 
Povilas Jurkšaitis Hong Ou Mandel enhanced fluorescence interferometry
Thomas Agrenius Hot Schrödinger Cat States
Fumiya Hanamura How to find an efficient non-Gaussian state generator
Julius Mildenberger Implementing lattice gauge theories on a digital quantum simulator
Yiwen Han Interaction-Enhanced Superradiance of a Rydberg-Atom Array
Johannes Franke, Florian Kranzl, Manoj Joshi Investigating quantum many-body systems with a trapped-ion quantum simulator
Shivam Sawarn Ion-photon quantum interface based on trapped 40Ca+ Ions 
Marian Rockenhäuser Isotopologue-selective laser cooling of molecules
May Chee Loke May Chee Loke / W Cat: Entanglement at Quantum-Classical Boundary
Pablo Viñas Microscopic parametrizations for gate set tomography under coloured noise
Henning Mollenhauer Narrow-band photon pair source, compatible with quantum memories and the telecom c-band
Anton Zasedatelev Nonequilibrium entanglement between levitated masses under optimal control
Livia Egyed Non-Hermitian physics in an array of levitated particles
Lukas Deeg Nonlinear optomechanics
Miriam Gerharz Nuclear quantum dynamics driven by X-ray free electron lasers
Antonio D'Abbruzzo Numerical regularization of nonpositive master equations
Yanliang Guo, Sudipta Dhar,  Ang Yang, Zekai Chen,  Hepeng Yao,  Milena Horvath,  Lei Ying,  Manuele Landini,  Hanns-Christoph Nägerl Observation of many-body dynamical localization
Eva Casotti, Clemens Ulm, Andrea Litvinov, Lauritz Klaus Observation of vortices in a dipolar supersolid
Ni-Ni Huang On-demand transposition across light-matter interaction regimes in bosonic cQED
Carla Rieger Operational Framework for a Quantum Database
Igor Zhuravlev, Wei Wu Optical Ion Trapping and Ultracold Atom-Ion Interaction
Silvia Casulleras Spatial Addressing of Qubits in a Dispersive Waveguide
Federico Roy Parity-dependent state transfer for direct entanglement generation
Charlie Nation 'Photon correlation asymmetry as a probe of coherent excitation transfer
Florian Wallner, Cristian Schneider Protected Qubit Control with Sub-harmonic Parametric Driving
Roberto Tricarico Quantum annealing with Rydberg arrays: localization phenomena and encoding strategies
Freddy Herrera Cueva  Quantum Communications in Optical Fibers
Andreas Schell Quantum Emitters, Hybrid Integration, and Other Stuff
Lata Joshi Quantum Mpemba effect and its measurements
Gopal Chandra Santra Quantum resources for quantum era - from optimization to cold-atom simulators
Yaoming Chu Quantum sensing enhanced by large-scale entanglement
Mattias Bock, Artem Zhdanov Quantum simulation and entanglement generation with two-dimensional ion crystals
Mingxuan Liu Quantum state smoothing without knowing environment completely
Maximilian Prüfer Quantum-limited generalized measurements for tunnel-coupled condensates
Wen-Han Png Resolving Measurement Incompatibility through Optimal Control of Spin-Dependent Displacement and Squeezing
Tobias Ebert Rymax-one a neutral atom quantum processor to solve optimization problems
Aron Kerschbaumer Scars in Rydberg chains beyond PXP
Varun Srivastava Semi-Device-Independent Certification for Quantum Non-Markovianity 
Pramodh Senarath Yapa Shear waves in a two-dimensional dipolar Supersolid
Michael Meth Simulating 2D lattice gauge theories on a trapped ion quantum processor
Luis Matheis Spectral Matching of Photons from Dissimilar Sources for Quantum Interference
Leo Walz, Simon Baier Spin Control in Nanodiamonds for Levitation Experiments in Innsbruck
Tanausú Hernández Yanes Strict conditions for confinement in the extended Bose-Hubbard model
Alberto Canali, Chun Kit Wong, Luc Absil Strongly interacting mixture of 161Dy and 40K: Hydrodynamic Crossover and Feshbach molecules
Satyabrata Baidya Studies of Low Energy Atom-Atom and Atom-Ion Collisions
Pietro Massignan Superfluid fraction of interacting bosonic gases
Elena Petrova Tangent space generators of matrix product states and exact Floquet quantum scars
Leonardo Bellinato Giacomelli Topology and Superconductivity in a quantum simulator of magnetic atoms
Mariusz Semczuk Towards highly polar CsAg and KAg ground state molecules
Karthick Ramanathan Towards RbCs dipolar molecules in optical lattices
Roberts Berkis Towards salable quantum networks
Marian Kreyer Towards the Simulation of Complex Models of Quantum Magnetism with Electromagnetic Dipoles
Lukas Blessing Towards trapping of single atoms in a micro-fabricated optical tweezer
Asma Benbouza Trapped Ions Synchronization and Collision-Driven Velocity Exchanges
Iurie Coroli Tunable quantum control of optically levitated nanoparticles in a high-finesse cavity
Ying Hu Unconventional Quantum Optics by non-Hermitian Engineering 
Joey Li Variational manifolds for blockade constrained spin models in 2D and 3D
Marion Cromb Zel’dovich Amplification
Carl Heintze Emergence of pairing in a strongly correlated few-fermion system
Christof Wunderlich Laser-free universal entangling gates for trapped-ion quantum computing
Isabelle Safa Towards a quantum gas microscope with programmable lattices
Stefanie Barz Photonic quantum technologies: interference, integration, and quantum applications